The Guide Book of the Robot Award of the Year.
Issued Japanese and English versions of the Robot Award of the Year Guide Book containing a summary of past award winner systems. Details here.
- 09.12.04
Participated in the RT utilizing next generation industrial forum 2009 (Gifu) Hung a banner printed with past award winning robots, distributed brochures of the Robot Award of the Year, and conducted other PR activities related to the award system at the RT utilizing next generation industrial forum 2009 on December 1st.
Uploaded a picture of the Robot Award of the Year @ International Robot Exhibition, sight of joint exhibition. The 21 robots receiving awards in the past three exhibits were on display at the International Robot Exhibition 2009. Details here.
Held the Robot Award of the Year Symposium
The Symposium was conducted in the International Robot Exhibition 2009. Vice President of SRI International gave a special speech about SRI’s Robot Development and Future Strategy and past award winners Fuji Heavy Industries, Fanuc Ltd. and Tomy Company, Ltd. gave an introduction and brief description of their development of their award winning robots, as well as their outlooks on the future of robot development. Details here.